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How to sow and grow radish

Radishes are a great addition to your Planty Garden. They grow fast and easy 🙂

This variety produces huge radishes in 4 - 6 weeks: as big as ping-pong balls. They have a soft flavor and don't get soft or mealy.
Reuzen radijs van de Makkelijke Moestuin
Our radish

What are radishes?

Radish is part of the cruciferous plant family, like arugola, bak choi, and dino kale.

The radish tubers grow at the top of the root, just below the leaves. The skin is almost always red on the outside and white on the inside, ours too. Other varieties have white, purple, or red/white skin.

Most people eat the tubers by themselves raw.

Radishes have a tangy taste due to the mustard oil in them. The radishes produce mustard oil when there's a lot of sunlight. So, radishes are spicier in the summer than in early spring or late fall.

Vitamins and minerals in radish plants

Radishes are super healthy: rich in calcium and vitamin C. They also have quite a bit of iron. Radishes contain lots of fiber too, which is good for your intestinal tract and digestion. The leaves are also edible: full of iron and folic acid.

Radishes are good for the kidneys, are diuretic, and help to eliminate toxins. Research shows that some substances in radishes can even kill cancer cells. Radishes are often recommended to people to help with jaundice, acne, and psoriasis.
De reuzenradijs: super gezond en zo groot als een ping-pong bal
Our giant radishes are super healthy and as big as a ping-pong ball

More about our radish seeds

This radish variety produces big radishes: as big as a ping pong ball. They don't get spongy and have a deliciously soft flavor.

  • Species: Giant Radish Riesenbutter
  • Family: cruciferous
  • Plants per square patch: 16
  • Height: 15 to 20 cm
  • Sowing time: March - June and September - mid-October
  • Sowing depth: 0.5 to 1 cm
  • Germination time: 10 - 25°C in 3 - 11 days
  • Time to harvest: after 4 weeks
  • Sunlight: can grow in sun or semi-shade

You can order individual bags of radish seeds, or find them in our essential seed pack:

What do you need to grow your own radishes?

Here's everything you need to grow radishes:
  • a 30x30 cm patch in your garden with airy, nutrient-rich soil mix
  • radish seeds
  • a place with at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day

In other words, an MM-Mini, or a square patch in one of our garden boxes, filled with MM-Mix.

Growing your own radishes in this perfect soil mix is super easy. If you use poor-quality (potting) soil, it's much harder and the results will be disappointing. So just go for the best.

How to sow and grow radishes?

This radish variety is included in the free Planty Gardening app. Use it, and you'll get step-by-step guidance from seed to harvest.

Each vegetable goes through a number of stages - we call them levels. The app tells you exactly what to do at each level and checks in when your plants are ready for the next.

So you don't need to know how to grow radishes: the app takes you through every step.

But if you'd like to read more about those steps, here's what the process looks like:
Mooie reuzenradijs: klaar om te oogsten

Level 1: Sowing radishes

First, pick a square patch in the front of your garden box and loosen up the soil mix. 

Then, sow like this:
  • poke 16 holes in the square patch (no deeper than 1 cm)
  • put 2 to 3 seeds in each hole
  • carefully cover the holes with soil mix

After 3 to 11 days, you'll see your first plants come up. It depends a bit on the weather.

Level 2: Radish seedlings

When you see the first seedlings in your radish patch, you know it's going well. They probably won't all come up at once, but give it another week.

Then it's time for the next level.
Zaailingen van de reuzenradijs
Radish seedlings

Level 3: Thinning radishes

When more than 1 seedling comes up in each hole you sowed, choose the best and remove the rest: that's called thinning out. It might sound harsh, but it's extra important for radishes. They have to grow into thick tubers. If the plants are too close together, only the leaves will grow and the radish won't form.

Take a pair of scissors, leave the biggest seedling per hole, and cut off the others along the soil mix. Never pull them up like a weed. That can damage the roots of your remaining plants.

If you see spots where nothing came up, sow a few more seeds. 
Radijsjes moet je na het opkomen goed uitdunnen
Radish seedlings need thinning

Level 4: Care for your radish plants

After a week or 2, your seedlings will become small plants. 

You hardly need to do anything: if the weather's dry, give them some water and remove the odd dead or yellow leaf. Easy 🙂

The little plants are cold-resistant. 
Radijs plantjes in de sneeuw
Radish plants in the snow

Level 5: Harvesting radishes

About 4 to 5 weeks after sowing, the first radishes are ready to harvest.

Check for the tubers by wiping away the soil mix just under the leaves. The radishes should be at least about 2 cm in diameter, preferably more. How big they get depends on the weather. Sometimes it takes a little longer and they don't all grow at the same rate.

So: harvest the bigger ones, and leave the smaller ones so they can keep growing. 
Mooie grote radijzen: klaar om te oogsten
Beautiful big radishes: ready to harvest

What do you use radishes for?

You can enjoy radishes by themselves. Eat them raw by the fistful or add them to your salads. In the Netherlands, we love slicing them and putting them on bread with butter. Try it 🙂
You can also stew, bake, or roast radishes. Cooking makes them juicier and evens out the flavor. 
Raw radish leaves are nice too. Toss young leaves raw in your salad. Older leaves are best in stews, stir-fry dishes, or pasta. 
Lekker: plakjes radijs op bruin brood
Delicious: radishes on bread

The last levels

Time to harvest the last radishes from your radish patch. When it's empty, tidy up the soil mix in your garden box or MM-Mini and get ready for the next round of sowing.
Jelle oogst de laatste radijzen uit zijn Makkelijke Moestuin
Harvesting the last radishes

So: what's stopping you from growing radishes yourself?

They're super easy to grow: big, beautiful, and tasty.

Plus: with our app and materials, it's pretty much impossible to fail 😀

Order your radish seeds here or get started with a complete starter kit:

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