Privacy statement

Privacy is more and more important, and people are taking it more and more seriously. So do we.

That's why we protect all the data that you provide through this website. We use it only if really necessary - for example, to send your orders or if you ask us to change something. And we never pass it on to third parties.

For example, if you sign up for the newsletter, we will only use your email address for that purpose, nothing else.

The same applies when you make an account to use the shop, the app, and the online community. We don't like it when our data is used all over the place, so we won't do that to you and your data.


On the contact page, when submitting the contact form, you're required to indicate you are not a robot. We use the 'captcha' from Google so we don't get spammed by annoying bots.

We do not use third-party cookies

In other words, on our website, you are not tracked. Not by Google, not by Facebook, not by Twitter. And also not by us.

What are cookies?

When using almost all websites, small files are placed on your hard disk.

Usually, these cookies are from Google. This giant company offers a free service - Google Analytics - that allows website owners to see how the site is being used to make it better and better.

That sounds nice, but with it, Google collects a wealth of information about you. Then, they sell it to all sorts of companies, who bombard you with ads that Google thinks are a good fit for you.

Irritating, right? Exactly, and because we don't like it either, we don't use Google anymore.

Instead, we use the website analytics of the company Fathom. This way, we can still see how our site is being used, but without cookies ending up on your computer or collected data.

No cookie bar needed

That's why you don't get one of those annoying pop-ups where you first have to give permission for us to place cookies. Because we don't do that.

We only use the necessary cookies that make our website work, like a cookie that remembers what's in your shopping cart or allows you to log in to your account. But because they cannot be tracked - not even by us - they fall outside the cookie law.

No social media cookies either

At the end of 2020, we removed all social media pixels from the site. As a result, they can no longer place cookies on your computer. At least: not via our website.

We did this because platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been in the news for privacy concerns. Moreover, we also think it's super irritating that if you visit a website once, you're then bombarded with advertisements from that company. So, we don't participate in that.

Registering with us via social media accounts is not possible

We do not allow you to log in with your Google or social media account for a similar reason. Again, we don't feel comfortable sharing your profile data and personal preferences between our website and a social network.

When you use a 'social login' you give your personal data to both social networks and third-party websites. So, you lose control over your data. If one of the parties is hacked, login data and personal data on all websites (that had access) become vulnerable as well. So, we recommend that you create an account with a unique password for our site.

We're not alone in this: more and more companies are removing the social login option.

Other rules of the European Privacy Act

In May 2018, new laws on data privacy went into effect in Europe: the General Data Protection Legislation. Of course, we comply with it.

The data we collect ourselves on the site is anonymous - we can never trace it back to you.

If you create an account in the shop or the app, we only store the data we need to process your orders or to ensure the proper functioning of your account.

We keep your data for as long as you use your account and for 2 years after that. If you want us to immediately remove the data, just let us know via email.

The online community is the one exception: if you create an account there, you and we can delete your account but not all the comments you've made. If all those comments were deleted, then the posts on the forum would have some big gaps and nobody wants that 😉

The community

For the online community, we follow the same rules as the app, the site, and the shop.

If you participate in the community, your name, posts, and comments are visible to everyone. But if you prefer to post under as Mrs. Bean rather than under your own name: be our guest. You can easily change your name in your profile settings.

We can delete your account information altogether upon request. Your existing posts and comments on the forum will remain to prevent gaps as I mentioned above. (That aside, it's also not possible for us to remove the comments everywhere.)


If you never want to install cookies at all - regardless of which site you use - you can disable them in your browser.

You can do so with this link.

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We care about the protection of your data. Read our Privacy Policy

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