October in the Planty Garden
Go to: Starting out | Already growing | What to sow now

Already got a Planty Garden?
Leafy vegetables won't grow as fast now, but you can keep harvesting from them. And those empty vegetable patches? Sow them again right away with plants that don't mind the cold.
Now's a great time to plant garlic cloves and winter onion.

Tips for October*
2. Harvest on time and a lot. You're not just doing it for a delicious dinner, it also extends your harvest. When you pick its leaves or flowers, the plant makes more.

4. When the weather is damp, keep up the snail hunt: they'll be out in full force. And watch out for butterflies. Cabbage whites like to lay their eggs on plants from the cabbage family, especially dino kale.
5. Keep an eye on your tall plants and give them support if they need it. Tie your climbing zucchini to the trellis regularly. The same goes for your sunflowers.
6. Harvest the last tomatoes. If some are still green, place them on a sunny windowsill so they ripen. And keep an eye on your plants for tomato blight and mildew.
* In short: follow the advice in the Planty Gardening app. It covers all these tips 😉

What can you still sow now?
You can sow any of these:
- dino kale
- radish
- spinach
- winter pea (for the shoots)
- winter purslane
- winter lettuce
- yellow winter onions (bulbs)
- red winter onions (bulb)
- garlic
- endive
- turnip
- Asian salad mix (for mizuna and mustard seed)
- arugola
- lamb's lettuce