A Planty Garden in July

What's better than your vegetable garden mid-summer? Sunny weather, daily harvests, and just enjoying being outside. Everything you sow grows fast.

And starting a garden in July? Great idea.

Go to: Starting out | Already growing | What to sow now

Already growing?

If you've set up your vegetable garden and are growing already, then July is the month of plenty. The plants are thriving and look it too. And they grow fast. So fast, you'll have a lot on your plate - literally 😉

The trick is to sow again right after you've harvested everything from a patch. Continual sowing means continual harvesting. You can keep it going until well into the fall and even winter.

Tips for July*

1. Water often: if the weather's dry and sunny, ideally every day. Also, check if the soil mix just under the surface is still moist.

2. Harvest on time and a lot. You're not just doing it for a delicious dinner, it also extends your harvest. When you pick its leaves or flowers, the plant produces more and more.
3. Remove older leafy vegetables and sow something new. Seeds grow fast in July, so your new vegetables will be ready to harvest in no time.

4. When the weather is damp, keep up your snail hunt: they'll be out in full force. And watch out for white butterflies. These are cabbage whites that like to lay their eggs on vegetables in the cabbage family. Dino kale in particular.

5. Help your climbing plants grow up the trellis. Prune your tomato suckers and tie your climbing zucchini to the trellis net.

6. Tomatoes, zucchinis, pumpkins, and cucumbers are hungry. So, give them half a scoop of MM-Plantfood every 5-6 weeks.

*To sum it up: Just follow the advice in the Planty Gardening app. All these tips are in there: the app's got you covered.
Tie your climbing zucchini to the trellis and add some plant food

Want more?

That was July in a nutshell. But I've written a lot over the years. So, here are a few fun articles if you want to read more:

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