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Start a Planty Garden in May? No problem 🙂

May is a great time to start a Planty Garden.

You can start pretty much anytime, but May is fantastic: good weather, everything grows easily, seedlings pop up in no time, and you harvest your first radishes and lettuce before you know it.

Besides, you can sow practically anything in May: from lettuce to cucumber to beans to beets.
The Planty Garden on May 30 (sown on May 1)

Starter kits - from small to large

To make it even easier for you, we put together some starter kits with everything included:
Each starter kit is a complete package, so you can set up your first vegetable garden fast.

You can choose from small, medium, or large. Each starter kit comes with everything you need to grow a Planty Garden.

We're staying home this year

Around this time of year, we're usually getting ready for a vacation in a far-off place. But this year most people are staying close to home. Spring wasn't all that pleasant so some people put off their plans for a garden.

So, I get a lot of questions about whether it's still possible to start a vegetable garden.

"Yes," I say, "but with our system."

Why? Well, an ordinary vegetable garden is hard. You have to dig, fertilize, and weed a lot.

But a Planty Garden is easy: you set up a garden box, fill it with MM-Mix, download the app, and start sowing.

I'll give you some examples:

Planty Gardens set up in May

Check out Robbin's garden table? It's a garden box on legs:
Moestuinbak op poten
Robbin's Planty Garden table
Robbin only set it up mid-May.

His girlfriend wasn't a big fan at first. But after harvesting just a month later, she was convinced.

Here's another example

We set up our old show garden in May 2013 and sowed most of it in June:
Pas opgezette Makkelijke Moestuinbakken - half mei 2013
A Planty Garden set up in mid-May 2013
Two months later, it was totally transformed:
Dezelfde moestuinbakken - half juli 2013
The same garden boxes in mid-July 2013

In May 2018, we started a small vegetable garden behind our office

Op het terras achter het kantoor. Met een grote bak op de grond - inclusief klimrek - en een kleinere tafelbak:
Moestuin beginnen in mei, net opgezette bak
Our just-set-up office garden
5 days after sowing, it looked like this:
Net ingezaaide Makkelijke Moestuinbak
Our garden box 5 days later🙂
This is what it looked like the rest of May:
It wasn't long before we could start harvesting:
Kantoortuin Makkelijke Moestuin na 2 maanden
The office garden on June 26: I'd already harvested some of the patches completely and sown a second round
Not bad, right?

2019: a garden box next to the office

We started a new vegetable garden in 2019. In 1 year, it went from this:
End of January
to this:
Early September

2021: The Planty Garden 2.0

This year we started again from scratch.

This is how it looks now:
2021: our upgraded office garden
The fence is there to protect the garden from the wind, but we're working on the rest. By mid-May, all the garden boxes will be set up and full of vegetables.

We'll take pictures and videos of everything and keep you posted 🙂
Veel komkommertjes oogsten uit de nieuwe bakken

What can you sow in May?

Almost everything.

Now is the perfect time for zucchinis, cucumbers, lettuces, radishes, snow peas, New Zealand spinach, and carrots.

It's too late now for lamb's lettuce and regular spinach, but you can sow those again in the fall. You can't sow your own tomatoes yet but try your local garden center. They usually have excellent young tomato plants around now.

Let's see, what else can you sow? Beets are an option, and edible Indian cress, and basil, and beans, and dino kale ... too much to mention.

So: do you want a real vegetable garden this summer and are wondering where to start?

Here are 3 options:
  1. Pick out a starter kit with all the trimmings
  2. Put together your own vegetable garden with stuff from the shop
  3. Or make your own boxes yourself DIY style
Have fun!

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