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Pre-sprouting snow peas, winter peas and sugar snaps

You can sow winter, snow, and sugar snap peas in early spring. You can even start in mid-February, but I usually do it on March 1.

To help them grow more quickly, we pre-sprout them indoors first.
Peas sprouting roots
Pre-sprouting - also called pre-germinating - is super easy. Grab a plastic Tupperware container and place your peas on a layer of damp paper towel.

Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap. Then put it in a warm spot.

In the next few days, the peas will swell up. After about 4 days, roots will appear. Once most of the peas have roots, they're ready to sow.

Find a nice spot for your peas

Since snow peas grow tall - up to 2 meters - place them in a square patch at the back of the garden box, under the trellis.

First poke 8 holes in the soil mix - max 3 cm deep: 4 on one side of the trellis and 4 on the other. If you have a few extra, go ahead and add a few more 🙂
Peultjes zaaien bij het klimrek
Sowing snow peas along the trellis
Put your pre-sprouted peas in the holes, root-side down. Be careful: you don't want to damage the roots.

Cover up the holes and gently press down the soil mix a little. Add water.

And next? Just wait. With some good weather, the plants will look like this in a few weeks:
Zaailingen van peultjes
Small snow pea seedlings

Winter peas and sugar snaps

Winter peas and sugar snaps don't grow quite as tall, so they don't need a trellis. Just sow 9 pre-sprouted seeds per patch.

They will grow taller than some of your other plants, so choose a square patch at the back of your garden box. If you have a garden box with a trellis, they can go in the row in front of it.


Peas can handle the cold just fine. Even a layer of snow is no problem at all.

If necessary, protect them with a crop cover like the MM-Muts:
Makkelijke Moestuin met beschermmuts in de sneeuw:
Garden box with crop cover in the snow
A crop cover also helps to keep birds away. In the winter months, when there's not much for them to eat, they find those peas very tasty.
Enjoy your peas!

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