- About the Planty Garden
- What is a Planty Garden in a nutshell?
- FAQs for first time gardeners
- What can Planty Gardening do for you?
- Growing vegetables in your Planty Garden
- Sowing in your Planty Garden
- About where to put which vegetables and crop rotation
- Plant, sow, or pre-sow?
- Harvesting as long and efficiently as possible
- Mistakes beginners make in the vegetable garden
- Hi, I'm Jelle
- What isn't a Planty Garden
- Square Foot Gardening: the starting point for Planty
- About the Planty Garden
- What is a Planty Garden in a nutshell?
- FAQs for first time gardeners
- What can Planty Gardening do for you?
- Growing vegetables in your Planty Garden
- Sowing in your Planty Garden
- About where to put which vegetables and crop rotation
- Plant, sow, or pre-sow?
- Harvesting as long and efficiently as possible
- Mistakes beginners make in the vegetable garden
- Hi, I'm Jelle
- What isn't a Planty Garden
- Square Foot Gardening: the starting point for Planty
Sowing in the Planty Garden
One of our standard garden boxes has room for 16 square patches. It’s only 120x120 cm, but you get a huge harvest out of it.
That is: if you fill each patch the right way and keep them filled throughout the season.
Here, I'll break it down for you.
Sowing: what, when and where?
"How do I know exactly when to sow something?”
Take a deep breath. It will all work out.
With a Planty Garden, you don't have to know everything about plants to start.
In fact: you don't need to know anything at all. Because when you work with the app it tells you exactly what to do and when to do it.
If you do that in the right way, at the right time, and in the right place, your vegetables will pretty much grow on their own.
What makes all the difference is the moment before you start sowing: determining which vegetables to put where, at what time of year, and how much space to give them.
Also, sowing in a Planty Garden is a bit different than in a regular vegetable garden.
Our sowing system
- How tall will the plant grow?
- Is now the right time?
- What plant family does it belong to?
- How many will fit in 1 square patch?
- Should I sow, plant, or pre-sow?
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Planty system
- About the Planty Garden
- What is a Planty Garden in a nutshell?
- FAQs for first time gardeners
- What can Planty Gardening do for you?
- Growing vegetables in your Planty Garden
- Sowing in your Planty Garden
- About where to put which vegetables and crop rotation
- Plant, sow, or pre-sow?
- Harvesting as long and efficiently as possible
- Mistakes beginners make in the vegetable garden
- Hi, I'm Jelle
- What isn't a Planty Garden
- Square Foot Gardening: the starting point for Planty