Almost all information about plants has been included with the plants in our free app. So, you don't need to remember it. View the MM app

Where to put which vegetables and what about crop rotation?

In a Planty Garden, your plants are never in each other's shadow. And planting seeds from different plant families works a lot like crop rotation.

How do you do that? By checking a few things first before you sow:

1. Plant height and location in the garden box

Plants need sunlight. If taller plants overshadow the others, they won't grow well.
Plaats je moestuinbak zó dat je planten nooit in elkaars schaduw staan.
How you position your garden box makes a big difference
So, set up your garden box so the front faces south.

Then sow plants that will stay small in front and sow the tall ones in the back.

This applies to Planty Gardens of all sizes. Here's how it works in a 120x120 cm garden box:
Zet lage groentes voor in je moestuinbak, hogere meer naar achter
Low-growing plants at the front, tall ones at the back
How do you know which plants will grow tall? It's written on our seed bags. So you know exactly where it should go in your garden box.

It's even easier if you use the app: it checks each empty patch and tells you which plants will grow best.

2. The time of year

Tomatoes won't grow in February and the summer is too hot for spinach. So, keep the time of year in mind when you're deciding what to sow.
Tomaten eind juni aan klimrek in Makkelijke Moestuin
Tomatoes on the trellis at the end of June
All our seed bags indicate the best time of year to grow that particular seed. If you stick to that, you can't really go wrong.

3. Plant families and crop rotation

All vegetables belong to different plant families. 

A lot of experienced gardeners know that if you sow plants from 1 plant family in the same soil, again and again, the plants do worse and worse. There's also a greater risk of pests and disease.

To avoid this in a traditional vegetable garden, growers draw up complex plans. For example, one year they plant lettuce, the next cabbage. The years after that: zucchini, then carrots, then beans, etc., etc. So, the same piece of land has a different type of plant growing in it each year.

You call that crop rotation, but I think it's pretty complicated.

'Crop rotation' in the Planty Garden

We do it differently. In the Planty Garden, we give each plant family a different color:
Plantenfamilies hebben in de Makkelijke Moestuin hun eigen kleur
The seed bags are color-coordinated, so you know the plant family at a glance.
Once you've eaten everything from a patch, and you're ready to sow something new, you choose seeds from a different plant family. Just pick a different color seed bag. That's it. It works like crop rotation except you don't have to think about it.

For example, let's say you just harvested all your beets (orange). You pick a different color to sow next. Like lettuce, because it's got a green label. Once you've eaten all your lettuce, you can sow something with an orange label again.

Sowing like this prevents a lot of problems and your plants do really well.

At the end of the year - or at the start of the new growing season - you can start again from scratch.

4. How many plants fit in a square patch

I mentioned this on another page too, but in 1 square patch of 30x30 cm, you can fit a lot of differently sized plants.

You sow them at the right distance from each other so they have enough room to grow. And you don't have to transplant them later.

Vegetables are either small, medium, large, or XL. In 1 square patch, you can fit:
The bags of our MM-Seeds and the Planty Garden app show you how many to sow, where to poke the holes in the soil mix, and how deep the holes should be:

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You can see how much distance to keep between the seeds too. That's how you can tell how many will fit in a single patch.

So. If you know what kind of vegetable you want to grow, the next question is how to do it:

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