
Pre-sowing • Trellis


Product information


The tastiest snack cucumber. This variety grows great outside or in a greenhouse. Produces a lot over a long period of time, doesn't get bitter. Hardly any seeds to get stuck in your teeth.

Recommended combination

Free delivery from € 30

In the app

Sowing: 25 April - 31 May

Level 1


Level 2

sowed indoors

Level 3

first seedlings

Level 4

big seedlings

Level 5

little plants

Level 6

first day hardened-off

Level 7

hardened-off 2 days

Level 8

Hardened-off 3 days

Level 9

Hardened-off 4 days

Level 10

Hardened-off 5 days

Level 11

at final spot

Level 12

little plants at trellis

Level 13

About 20 cm

Level 14

flowers visible

Level 15

first harvest

Level 16


Sowing time: April - May
Height: 200 cm <
Contents: 6 seeds
  • Currently only shipping to the Netherlands and Belgium
  • Choose your preferred delivery date
  • Sent by PostNL or Transmission
  • Track & Trace in your inbox
  • The app helps you with almost everything you do in your vegetable garden: sowing, tending, and harvesting.
  • If something goes wrong, the app tells you what steps to take.
  • If that doesn’t work, you can ask us for advice.
  • If that still doesn’t help, we’ll look for other solutions together. Until we get it right.


The tastiest snack cucumber. Perfect for your garden boxes outside or a greenhouse.

This variety produces a lot and the cucumbers never get bitter. They’re smooth, seedless, and delicious.
  • Species name: Iznik
  • Family: fruit
  • Plants per square patch: 2 at the trellis
  • Height: Up to 200 cm
  • Sowing time: end of April to end of May
  • Germination time: between 20 and 25°C in 5 to 7 days
  • Time to bloom: 9 to 10 weeks
  • Sunlight: needs a sunny spot protected from the wind
We sell the seed bags separately or as part of a seed pack with our other climbing vegetables:

What's so special about our cucumber?

The Iznik is the Louis Vuitton of snack cucumbers: you can't get better and tastier cucumber than this.

It does well outdoors as well as in a greenhouse, producing many smooth 10-12 cm long cucumbers. Seedless and delicious.

Sowing and growing

Cucumbers are true summer vegetables, so they can’t stand the cold. You first sow them indoors at the end of April and plant them in your garden at the end of May.

2 plants fit in 1 square patch. You’ll put them at the back of your garden box near the trellis so they can climb. The cucumber plants make long tendrils that you'll weave through the trellis net.

Cucumbers need a lot of nutrients. Give them some extra MM-Plantfood when you move them outdoors, and add some more in mid-July.

Cucumbers don’t do well right next to a patch of tomatoes, onions, or chives. So always plant another vegetable variety between them.

Step-by-step sowing and growing instructions are in the Planty Gardening app. 

How do you use cucumber?

Snack cucumbers are delicious raw. Eat them by the fistful. Or add cubes or slices to salads.

Sour cucumber salad is popular in the Netherlands, but you can do so much more. Think Greek tzatziki, cucumber soup, or a cucumber stew with potatoes, onion, and minced meat.

No peeling necessary: the skin is thin and full of vitamins.

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