- Help! Slugs and snails in your Planty Garden
- Why are my plants turning yellow?
- Pests in your vegetable garden?
- Pests: aphids to caterpillars in the vegetable garden
- Moss in your MM-Mix?
- Mushrooms in the Planty Garden
- How to identify and get rid of mildew
- Why are my zucchinis falling off?
- Cabbage whites and holes in your plants
- How to identify and treat tomato blight
- How can you help the bees?
- How to trap slugs and snails
- Make your garden unappealing to slugs
- Make a barrier to keep out slugs and snails
- Garlic spray for slugs
- Slugs: is it impossible to get rid of them?
- How to kill slugs and snails
- Killing slugs: cruel or good?
- Help! Slugs and snails in your Planty Garden
- Why are my plants turning yellow?
- Pests in your vegetable garden?
- Pests: aphids to caterpillars in the vegetable garden
- Moss in your MM-Mix?
- Mushrooms in the Planty Garden
- How to identify and get rid of mildew
- Why are my zucchinis falling off?
- Cabbage whites and holes in your plants
- How to identify and treat tomato blight
- How can you help the bees?
- How to trap slugs and snails
- Make your garden unappealing to slugs
- Make a barrier to keep out slugs and snails
- Garlic spray for slugs
- Slugs: is it impossible to get rid of them?
- How to kill slugs and snails
- Killing slugs: cruel or good?
How can you help the bees?

But what can we do to help?
Mostly by not doing
- using Round-up (no, not even the allegedly eco-friendly one)
- using scary pesticides from Bayer (for ants, wasps, flying insects, moths, etc.)
- using chemically treated seeds and plants (and yes: there are many more of them than you think)
And when you grow with Planty, you don't either. Period.
Just had to get that off my chest.

Okay, so what can you do?
Sometimes it's as simple as putting cut tulips outside right before they die. Just look at the photo at the top of the page - bees love that.
Tip 1:
Because even with a single vegetable garden box, you give all kinds of insects a safe haven.

We provide them with pollen, and in return, they pollinate our plants.
How do you attract bees to your vegetable garden?
Because a Planty Garden includes a wide variety of vegetables and herbs. From early spring to late fall.
Bees love anything with flowers: peas, flowering chives, zucchini, tomatoes, strawberries.

In short: bees love a Planty Garden. The liquorice mint and marigolds will keep them coming. So, you're already doing a lot by setting one up 🙂

- Help! Slugs and snails in your Planty Garden
- Why are my plants turning yellow?
- Pests in your vegetable garden?
- Pests: aphids to caterpillars in the vegetable garden
- Moss in your MM-Mix?
- Mushrooms in the Planty Garden
- How to identify and get rid of mildew
- Why are my zucchinis falling off?
- Cabbage whites and holes in your plants
- How to identify and treat tomato blight
- How can you help the bees?
- How to trap slugs and snails
- Make your garden unappealing to slugs
- Make a barrier to keep out slugs and snails
- Garlic spray for slugs
- Slugs: is it impossible to get rid of them?
- How to kill slugs and snails
- Killing slugs: cruel or good?