November in the Planty Garden
Go to: Starting out | Already growing | What to sow now
November: starting in the fall
Because setting up your Planty Garden now means you get a head start in the spring. And you're not just ready for next season, but for years to come.
Starting a Planty Garden is super simple:
1. Set up your vegetable garden (say, with a complete package)
2. Get step-by-step guidance from our free app
3. Garden for a few minutes a day
Want to know more? Read here how it works.
Already got a Planty Garden?
The winter vegetables you sowed last month can stay put: they'll do just fine in the colder weather. Harvest the rest of your plants in the coming weeks.
November is also a great month for preparing your garden boxes for next year.
Tips for November*
2. Remove all the old plants you're no longer harvesting from. Get rid of the big roots and remove any clinging vines and leaves from your trellis.
4. Collect all your plastic containers, pots, and labels and clean them off. Same goes for the grids on your empty garden boxes. It's really nice to start a new season fresh with tidy materials.
5. Protect the winter vegetables that you sowed at the end of September and October. They'll do fine in cold weather with a little extra protection. Use a crop cover, like our MM-Muts, for that.
6. Harvest the last of the pumpkins and put them on the windowsill if they need to ripen a little more.
* In short: follow the advice in the Makkelijke Moestuin app. It covers all these tips 😉
What can you still sow now?
The only things you can plant until mid-November are winter onions, garlic, and bulbs for spring.