A Makkelijke Moestuin gardenbox
You can set up a Makkelijke Moestuin perfectly all at once.
This way, you can provide your plants with exactly what they need from the start, and save yourself an incredible amount of time, annoyance, and frustration.
How? By doing these 5 things:
Durable vegetable garden boxes that last a long time
There is a piece of anti-weed cloth under the box, so you will hardly have any trouble with weeds. If you want, you can have a table box on legs.
Of course, you can harvest more from multiple boxes, but you can still get a lot out of just one.
A sunny spot in your garden, on your balcony, or on your rooftop terrace.
Most vegetables require at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, preferably even more. The closer your bed is to your kitchen door, the more you will be able to harvest from it.
The bést soil: Makkelijke Moestuin mix
No soil can compare to this one. No potting soil and certainly not your own soil.
That's because it contains not only nutritious compost, natural food, and airy fibers. This natural mineral retains water, nutrients, and air EXACTLY where it is needed: at the plant roots.
The mix also lasts endlessly. You simply add some MM nutrients from time to time and if you need to replenish it after a year, you just add some new mix. It's super sustainable and cost-effective.