Almost all information about plants has been included with the plants in our free app. So, you don't need to remember it. View the MM app

What is Planty Gardening?

Growing vegetables our way is easy, efficient and fun to do.

With just a little space, you harvest a lot.
The app knows everything about the seeds you've selected
The main difference between a Planty Garden and a traditional vegetable garden is that you use garden boxes.

You put the boxes on top of your existing soil, tiles, or grass and fill them with our soil mix.

The MM-Mix

This ideal soil mix - together with our raised beds - is the key to success. It has everything that your plants need: natural nutrients, a nice, loose structure, and it retains moisture.
Zak Makkelijke Moestuinmix
You don't have to worry about picky plants preferring certain types of dirt. This mix works with everything. 

On top of that, you can leave this soil mix in your garden boxes year after year. Topping it off once a year if it gets a bit low and adding some refreshing MM-Plantfood is all you need to do. No hassle with fertilizers, compost, or new potting soil every year.

Grids and square patch division

Once the garden boxes are filled with MM-Mix, you divide them up into square patches of 30x30 cm using a grid (MM-Raster). Each square patch is home to a different type of vegetable. This way each vegetable gets the space it needs to grow. And you have a clear overview of what's growing where.

With a setup like this, all your plants are easy to reach and tend to. You also avoid wasting seeds, water, and fertilizer. You don't need to do much thinning out our pruning: maintaining your garden is a piece of cake.

And you don't need any special or expensive tools. A trowel, scissors, and a bucket will do. With just these few things and 5 minutes a day, you'll have a beautiful, abundant garden.

Based on Square Foot Gardening

This ingenious concept was first thought of Mel Bartholomew in the US a while back. He called it Square Foot Gardening.

We've built on this system and adapted it to make it even easier. It's proven itself over and over and is easy to learn. Even an 8-year-old can do it, that's why it's great for schools 🙂

You don't need to know anything about gardening, because the Planty Gardening app tells you step-by-step what to do.
That's Planty Gardening in a nutshell 🙂
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  1. What is Planty Gardening?

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  • What is Planty Gardening?

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