
Indian cress

Product information


Indian cress flowers brighten up your garden and attract lots of butterflies and bees. The flowers, buds, young leaves, and seeds are edible too.

Free delivery from € 30

In the app

Sowing: 16 April - 31 May

Level 1

seeds are sowed

Level 2

seedling visible

Level 3

one seedling

Level 4

little plant

Level 5

first harvest

Level 6

continual growth

Sowing time: mid April-May
Height: about 25 cm with long tendrils
Weight: 2 grams
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  • The app helps you with almost everything you do in your vegetable garden: sowing, tending, and harvesting.
  • If something goes wrong, the app tells you what steps to take.
  • If that doesn’t work, you can ask us for advice.
  • If that still doesn’t help, we’ll look for other solutions together. Until we get it right.

Indian cress

Indian cress - also known as nasturtium - is one of the best companion plants for your vegetables. It lures pests away from other plants and bees and butterflies love it. The flowers, young leaves, and seeds are edible.

  • Species name: Indian cress
  • Family: flower
  • Plants per square patch: 1
  • Height: about 25 cm tall with tendrils reaching up to 3 meters long
  • Sowing time: mid-April and May
  • Sowing depth: 2 to 3 cm
  • Germination: about 15°C in 7 to 15 days
  • Time to bloom: 8 to 10 weeks
  • Sunlight: can grow in sun or semi-shade
Want to buy Indian cress seeds? We sell the bags separately, but you can also find Indian Cress seeds in our seasonal seed pack:

What's so special about Indian cress?

Indian cress is an excellent companion plant. It's a natural trap for aphids and whiteflies. It also lures white cabbage caterpillars away from vulnerable vegetables. It's also a bee and butterfly magnet. 

The flowers, young leaves, and even the seeds are edible.

Sowing and growing Indian cress

Growing Indian cress is couldn't be easier. The seeds just need plenty of water and some warm weather to germinate.
Indian cress plants produce long tendrils. It's best to sow your Indian cress in a patch on the side of your garden box: the shoots can continue growing over the edge.

If your plant grows out of control or if older tendrils start looking icky, no problem. Just cut away whatever bothers you: these plants can handle extreme pruning.

Step-by-step sowing and growing instructions for our Indian cress are in the Planty Gardening app.

How do you use Indian cress?

The edible flowers brighten up any salad. They have a fresh and tangy flavor. The young leaves do too. Go ahead and add the leaves to your salad too, why not? 😉

You can also pickle the seeds using vinegar.

Or if you have a cold, give a young leaf a chew. It's good for your immune system and helps soothe a sore throat.

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